Our Cigar Selection

Stepping into the realm of Blue Flame's cigar collection, one is immediately greeted with an array of over 100 handpicked choices. Each cigar, curated with precision, offers a unique narrative waiting to be discovered and savored.

Yet, with such diversity, it might seem daunting to select the perfect cigar. This is where our seasoned team steps in. Taking into account your personal inclinations, past favorites, or simply your current mood, we craft personalized recommendations. We aspire to make every cigar experience at Blue Flame intimate and memorable, ensuring each choice is an authentic reflection of you. Join us, and let's embark on this flavorful journey together.

Rocky Patel Number 6 Robusto Review
Exploring the symphony of flavors in the Rocky Patel Number 6 Robusto. Dive into our latest blog post for a sensory journey of this exquisite cigar

Joya De Nicaragua Dos Cientos Cigar Review
Experience the allure of the Joya De Nicaragua Dos Cientos,

Contact Us 

Location: 1305 Sartori Avenue Suite B. Torrance, CA 90501

Phone Number: (310) 533-4100